Red River Valley Education Cooperative Regional Education Association By-laws
The name of the Regional Education Association is the Red River Valley Education Cooperative,
also known as the RRVEC REA.
Principal Office. The Location of the principal office of the RRVEC REA is in Grand Forks, North Dakota. The RRVEC REA may establish other offices within the State of North Dakota, as the Governing Board (hereinafter Board) may designate.
ARTICLE III Membership
1. Any school district may join this REA as a Member by obtaining authority from its governing body and signing the REA. Those school districts not part of this REA initially may become part of it in the same manner, with the concurrence of all the current Members.
2. Entities that are not school districts, but who have an interest in supporting the purpose and mission of the RRVEC REA, may be invited, by majority vote, the RRVEC REA Governing Board, to become a cooperating party. Cooperating Parties will be governed by all general and specific sections of the RRVEC REA Agreement, Bylaws and Policies.
ARTILE IV Governing Board
1. Management. A Governing Board will manage the affairs of the RRVEC REA by simple majority of the members present of a quorum of the Board at any regularly scheduled or special meeting called as provided in these bylaws.
2. Number and Selection of Members and Cooperating Parties. The Governing Board will be comprised of a member from each of the participating school districts as appointed by their local school board. Each cooperating member may have a representative that serves as an ex officio non-voting member of the board.
3. Meetings. The Governing Board will hold at least five regular meetings per year, at such times and places designated by the Chair of the Governing Board. Special meetings of the Governing Board may be called by the Chair or upon the written request of any member to the Chair and will be held at such time and place as the Governing Board may determine.
4. Notice of Meeting. Written notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting and, in case of a special meeting, the purposes for which the meeting is called, will be delivered, not less than three days before the date of that meeting, either personally or by mail or email. By or at the
direction of the Chair or member calling the meeting, to each school district administrator and Governing Board representative, unless notice is waived by writing or by attendance. If mailed or emailed, the notice is deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail/emailed, addressed to the member at the school district administrator’s or Governing Board representative’s address/email address as it appears on the books of the REA. Public notice of meetings will be provided consistent with North Dakota Statues. Items may be added to the agenda by agreement of simple majority of the quorum.
5. Quorum and Decision-Making Process. A majority of members constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Governing Board. A quorum is defined as one more than 50% of the voting members. All decisions of the Governing Board will be made by a simple majority of the quorum present. Members must be present to vote or the designated alternate as outlined in Section 2, Article IV. Each Member of the RRVEC REA may include or exclude (“opt in” or “opt out”) their school district from participating in any specific project approved by the Governing Board. The Governing Board may assess each participating school district for its pro-rate share of those project in which it participates.
6. Executive and Other Committees. The Governing Board may designate from among its members an executive committee and other committees serving at the pleasure of the Governing Board. The Governing Board will establish procedures to appoint members to the Executive committee. The Governing Board may appoint non-members to the Executive committee. The Governing Board may appoint non-members and cooperating parties to committees for designated terms. This will be established at the annual meeting.
7. Reimbursement. A member may not receive compensation for services, but may receive reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with performance of duties.
8. Removal. If a member, through action or inaction, jeopardizes the legal requirements relative to the RRVEC REA, such member or cooperating party may be removed from the RRVEC REA after 30 days notice with simple majority of the quorum.
ARTICLE V Officers
1. Officers. The officers of the RRVEC REA will consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer. The officers or the RRVEC REA will be nominated and elected biennially by the Governing Board from among the members. The term of office consists of the two fiscal years following the election. The election will be held in June at the Governing Board meeting in the odd-numbered years duties beginning July 1 of the next fiscal year. Each elected officer hold office until that officer’s successor has been duly elected and qualified. The administrative board selects a lead and vice-lead in the even number years.
2. Removal. Any officers elected by the Board may be removed by simple majority of the quorum of other members, after a 30-day notice is given to all members of such intended action.
3. Vacancy. The Governing Board may fill any vacancy in any office resulting from death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or other cause, for the unexpected portion of the term.
4. Powers and Duties. The officers have such powers and will perform such duties as may, from time to time, be specified by the Governing Board. In the absence of such specifications, each officer has the powers and will perform such duties and may perform and discharge the duties, of officers serving the same or similar general purposes and objectives as a school board officer in North Dakota.
ARTICLE VI Authorization
1. Authority. The Governing Board will be responsible for the review and approval of an annual operating budget and will grant authority for the daily operation of the RRVEC REA to the Administrators and Lead Administrator. In addition, the Governing Board may appoint or employ any officer or agent of the RRVEC REA and authorize any instrument, or provide any service or implement any program, in the name of and on behalf of the RRVEC REA.
2. Banking. All checks, drafts, or orders for the payment of money, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the RRVEC REA must be signed by such officer or agent of the RRVEC REA and in such manner, as from time to time, may be determined by resolution of the Governing Board. In the absence of a determination by the Governing Board, these instruments must be signed by the secretary/treasurer and counter-signed by the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Governing Board.
3. Depositories. All funds of the RRVEC REA will be deposited from time to time to the credit of the RRVEC REA in such banks, trust companies, and other depositories as the fiscal agent of the Governing Board may select.
4. Acceptance of Gifts. The Governing Board may accept, on behalf of the RRVEC REA, any contribution gift, bequest, or devise for any purpose of the RRVEC REA.
1. Books and Records. The RRVEC REA will keep correct and complete books and records of accounts and minutes of the proceedings of its meetings including any audits as may be required by law. These records will be kept at the principal office of the RRVEC REA.
2. Member and Cooperating Party Names. The names and addresses of the members and cooperating parties must be made available to the public at the principal office of the RRVEC REA.
Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the RRVEC REA is July 1 through June 30.
ARTICLE IX Amendment to the Bylaws
Amendments. The member district School Boards may amend or repeal these Bylaws after a 15- day notice and two readings of the governing body, followed by 60% of the member districts.
Approved by resolution of the Governing Board January 20, 2016