Explore NVCTC
Held at the Grafton Performing Arts Center and North Valley Career and Technical Center
NVCTC Career Exploration Fair for 8th Graders
Objective: Increase student awareness of Career and Technical Education course opportunities by providing students with the necessary information to plan their high school coursework based on career interests.
Event Description: This event will provide a Career Exploration Fair for 8th graders from the RRVEC schools. Students will attend a keynote presentation followed by four breakout sessions. (25 minutes each) The focus of sessions will be based on increasing awareness of CTE course opportunities and investigating career opportunities in the region.
Brooks Harper Enterprises provides Keynotes, Workshops, and Training Material for students and professionals helping them discover, develop, market and sell their talents, skills and abilities that bring tangible value to the market place. We connect-the-dots between today's decisions and tomorrow's college and career options. Brooks draws from 15 years of experience in Corporate America to help others answer the Granddaddy of all interview questions: Why should we hire YOU?